Located at the intersection between North and South America, and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans…

Panama is known as the “Hub of the Americas”

The Early Days…

Panama has a rich and diverse history. After thousands of years of habitation by Native Americans, the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Panama in the 16 th century. It quickly became a major transit point for shipping the pilferred riches of South America back to Spain. Pirates, seeking a portion of that wealth, soon followed and became a notorious part of Panama’s history. 

Panama’s Early History…

Panama gained its independence from Spain in 1821 and joined Columbia. IN the late 1800s the rise of the United Fruit Company played into the political and economic fortunes of many Central American and Caribbean countries, at times using the might of the American military to suport its monopolies. In 1903, with the backing of the United States, Panama seceded from Columbia allowing the construction of the Panama Canal. 

Panama Today…

After the US invasion of Panama in 1990 to remove military strongman Noriega, Panama initiated a new constitution and has enjoyed peaceful transitions of a democratically elected presidency and congress ever since. It now one of the safest countries in Central/South America, and has one of the most vibrant economies in the Americas